Commercial Mortgages for Dental Practices and Pharmacies

Lenders tend to be confident when dealing with the 'white coat' medical sector - pharmacies, dental practices and GP surgeries are all considered ‘green light’ sectors therefore, funding is generally available to both first-time buyers and experienced operators.


Despite the impact of COVID-19 affecting businesses of all types across the UK, there continues to be a strong demand for both NHS and private practices of all sizes. Over the past 12 months, Christie Finance has witnessed an increased activity in buyers seeking to acquire private practices although, the pandemic has caused a shift in interest towards both NHS and private practices, with many associates now looking to buy their first practice as a way of providing security for the future. Now more than ever, there are plenty of new entrants to the sector, with Christie Finance funding numerous first-time buyers. 


Due to changes with NHS contracts and funding arrangements in the pharmacy sector, lending appetite has changed over the last couple of years, with banks being much more cautious in their approach. Whilst still keen to lend in many cases, they are looking at proposals in more detail and adjusting their offerings to reflect the overall strength of a particular borrowing proposition.

Lenders’ policies vary substantially now as they seek to differentiate themselves from each other, as well as protect themselves from risk. Not only that, their managers and credit underwriters also have varied amounts of experience and rates of success.

So how do you know who to go to?

Who will be the most likely to approve the loan that you need?


Who will give you the best terms available - not just the best rate but maybe aspects such as repayment profile, extent of loan or the least number of conditions can be of greater importance?

This is where an experienced, specialist, independent medical broker comes into their own. We have spent years in the medical sector and know not just what each lender’s policies are, but also which managers have the highest levels of success with their credit applications and who will give you the most favourable terms.

Lender Appetite 

Lender appetite remains incredibly strong within the dental and pharmacy sectors, with them both being classed as 'green light' sectors. Despite the impact of COVID-19, there is still support for experienced operators and first-time buyers wanting to buy within these sectors, particularly if you are supported by an experienced medical finance broker who can help you navigate the commercial finance market. We do a lot of work on a case before it goes anywhere near a lender. This means, by the time it reaches a bank it is putting you in the best possible light and giving you the strongest chance of a positive outcome. 

Whichever option you have in mind, Christie Finance will help you get the funding you need to purchase or lease the medical business you want.

Medical loan features

The terms of a commercial loan against a pharmacy or medical practice will vary considerably from lender to lender but, as a general rule, the following may apply:

80% - 100%
LTV, subject to status + or additional security
Up to 15- year
loan commitment - goodwill
Up to 25- year
loan commitment - property

Key Factors to Consider for Your Loan Application

When you are thinking about buying a business there are various things that both you and a potential lender will need to consider: 

  • Experience – do you have the right level of experience to run the business? How will you run it?
  • Performance – how well is the business doing? Is it in a good location? Is there enough profit in the business to be able to repay a loan easily and personally benefit from?
  • A deposit of 30% or more
  • Good credit history
  • Two years' trading accounts and income projections
  • Strong proposal from Christie Finance
  • Additional security
  • Business plan
  • Proof of experience

CLICK HERE to get in touch with our medical finance specialists.  

Our commercial mortgage services

We’ve been helping first-time buyers and existing business owners secure funding for over 45 years.

What makes Christie Finance different?


National coverage across the UK

Project management

From intial enquiry to completion - saving your precious time and money

Quick responses

Rapid business and commercial mortgage decisions

Relationship - C&Co

Our brokers can access the best new businesses for sale

Specialist knowledge

Over 40 years experience in our specialist sectors

Tailored loan options

Fixed and discounted rate available

The 'Christie' name

Adds credibility to the proposal - buying you a better deal

We are independent

We have no tie to any one lender

Find out more about commercial mortgages