
Key insight on the commercial mortgage market.

Number of matching Blogs found: 98
Commercial Finance3/20/2017

Christie Finance two-time winner of Business Moneyfacts’ Commercial Mortgage Introducer of the Year

Christie Finance is delighted to have been awarded Commercial Mortgage Introducer of the Year at the 2017 Business Moneyfacts Awards. This is the 2nd year in a row that the company has won this award and the 3rd year in a row that it has been a finalist.

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Hotel Mortgages11/11/2016

Insight into hotel funding

Often when people talk about running their own business it is so they can ‘take control’, leave the ‘rat race’, work their own hours and ultimately reap the rewards of doing so. Often these flights of fancy leave imaginations drifting to the quaint B&B with fantastic views; the town centre boutique hotel with every room in a different style or the bar/restaurant led hotel, which offers top-quality dining and a comfortable place to rest a weary head after a day working or sightseeing.

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Care Mortgages11/7/2016

The state of health for care home funding

There is a continuing flow of conflicting information that is published about the care sector and the ongoing challenges it faces.

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Childcare Mortgages10/27/2016

The right first steps to getting the best mortgage for your day nursery

A child’s experiences in their first few years go on to shape so much of their later life. The opportunities afforded to them for physical, social, emotional and intellectual development are so incredibly key, yet so often their importance is not sufficiently acknowledged by people outside of the early year’s sector.

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Pub Mortgages10/20/2016

Finding Pub Finance in the Midlands

The licensed sector has taken a battering from all angles in recent times. We have all read the statistics surrounding the number of pub closures per week, the impact of duty hikes on profit margins and the shift to drinking at home thanks to rock-bottom supermarket prices. It’s no secret that the younger generation are showing a preference towards one or two top quality drinks than the 4 or 5 their parents might have had at a similar age. All of these things are having an impact on the perception of how well a pub – be it a gastro-pub or your local - can trade in today’s climate.

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Commercial Finance9/22/2016

What our clients say about us...

At Christie Finance we are proud of the service we provide to our clients and extremely keen to hear what they think of our bespoke service.

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Commercial Finance8/31/2016

Why a borrower should engage a broker at the outset of a search for a business

When you plan to buy a business, either for the first time or to expand your portfolio, the chances are that you will need to arrange a commercial mortgage to support your purchase.

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Commercial Finance7/19/2016

Commercial refinance - easier than you think

If I asked you what rate and term your residential mortgage was, I am convinced that you could answer this within 3 seconds! However, when it comes to your commercial mortgage, or business finance, I will give you an hour to find the commercial mortgage facility letter which was probably filed away under “phew - we made it!”

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Commercial Finance6/28/2016

What makes a good business plan?

The definition of good as an adjective is that of "something to be desired or approved of" or "having the qualities required for a particular role". As a noun it means "that which is morally right" or as "having a benefit or advantage to someone or something".

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Retail Mortgages6/15/2016

Christie Finance welcomes the CMA's report into retail banking services

As specialists in the retail and forecourt sectors, we have been interested to observe the Competition and Markets Authority’s (CMA) provisional recommendations to encourage competition among retail banks, improve transparency in finance offers and make it easier for businesses to compare and switch finance providers. This has rightly been welcomed by the Association of Convenience Stores (ACS), as an improvement in access to finance will no doubt have a positive impact on the sector as a whole. It is also a benefit to operators to have support from outside the sector driving change in their favour.

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