
COFFEE BREAK WITH...Callum Williams, Finance Consultant - Christie Finance Unsecured & Asset Finance

Coffee Break with… is a Christie & Co series showcasing the brilliance, expertise, and diversity of our network of over 200 employees.

When did you join Christie Finance?

January 2024.

Where were you when you accepted your role at Christie Finance?

At home.

What was your first job?

JD Sports.

In a couple of sentences, can you tell us a bit about your job at Christie Finance?

Working in the Unsecured and Asset Finance team up in Chester, providing funding solutions to SMEs across the UK, while working with lenders to help get my clients the right deal for them.

What’s your favourite thing about Christie Finance?

The togetherness off the business and how keen everyone is to help each other out.

What's a favourite project that you’ve worked on at Christie Finance so far?

Client looking to finance his corporation tax to help relief pressure on cashflow, we were able to source the finance 48 hours after the first call.

What’s been the biggest challenge of your career so far?

Adapting to working from home, to making sure productivity remained consistent.

How has the industry changed since you started at Christie Finance?

Having only been here 3 months, the market hasn’t changed much. Although lenders are changing their products monthly so it’s important to keep up to date with them, to provide the best service possible to my clients.

Tell us a bit about your life outside work – what are your hobbies?

Hobbies include going out with friends and watching various sports like Football, UFC and Golf.

What’s your hometown? Where do you live now?

Have lived in Flint, North Wales all my life.

Where’s the best place you’ve been on holiday?


What’s your biggest pet peeve?

People not waving after you’ve let them past while driving.

If you could live and work in any city, where would you go?


What would be your desert island meal?

Steak, truffle & parmesan fries, broccoli.

What is one thing on your bucket list?

Travel southeast Asia and Australia

What news source do you read every day?

BBC news sport, to see if Liverpool are ever going to buy a decent striker.

What’s your social media platform of choice?


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