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Commercial Mortgages

A lending hand for The King's Arms Pub in Bristol

Christie Finance, the specialist commercial finance broker, has arranged funding for the owner of The King's Arms Pub in Kingswood, Bristol. Refinancing existing debt and raising funds for further refurbishment and improvements.

Christie Finance

The pub is a Grade ll listed property and benefits from a large trade garden and owners accommodation. The performance of the business has gone from strength-to-strength since the business was bought from Enterprise Inns in 2011.
The owner, Michael Evans, an experienced publican who also owns another pub in Peterborough, was looking for funding to move away from short-term facilities and to buy The King's Arms. Michael also wanted some further funds to update the look of the business and approached Chris Field, Director at Christie Finance, for some guidance.
Commenting on the deal, Chris said, "The King's Arms is a great example of a local pub benefiting from a new lease of life under a dedicated owner. I am delighted that I was able to find finance which not only moved him to better finance terms, but also give him a budget for essential improvements and repairs."

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