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Commercial Mortgages

Essex care home bought by first time entrant

Specialist commercial finance broker, Christie Finance, has arranged funding for first-time buyers Dhananjay and Marie Nowbuth to purchase Hailey House Care Home in Maldon, Essex.

Christie Finance

Hailey House is Grade II property with a registered capacity of 20 residents and offers residential care for over 65's. Established in 1960 the business has always maintained a high level of care as shown in the most recent CQC report.

This is a first-time business purchase for Dhananjay and Marie but both have strong backgrounds in Care Management with Dhananjay working as a Charge Nurse at a private clinic in London and Marie a Primary Teacher. They had been on the hunt for a while for the right care business and David Ward, Director at Christie Finance, had been keeping in contact throughout their search to help with funding. 

When they found Hailey House, David was able to use Christie Finance's extensive network of lender contacts to support their offer. He comments, "Funding in the care sector for first-time buyers is available, if you know where to look. As we go to the whole of the market, we have the vantage point to pick the most beneficial funding package for our clients."

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